Preferential Treatment
“His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life…”
(Psalm 30:5, NKJV)
Most of the time, we think, “Oh, God’s got bigger things to deal with than me. He’s not interested in what’s bothering me.” No, you are God’s biggest deal. He wants to make you an example of His goodness. When you keep God first place, when you honor Him with your life, God puts something on you that causes you to stand out from the crowd; something that gives you an advantage. It causes good breaks and opportunities to be attracted to you. It’s called the favor of God!
The word “favor” means “to assist, to provide with advantages, to receive preferential treatment.” The favor of God will cause you to be promoted even though you weren’t the most qualified. God’s favor will cause your children to get the best teachers in school. It will help you find the best deals at the mall. It will put you at the right place at the right time. God is saying to you what He said to Abraham, “I’m going to assist you. I’m going to provide you with advantages. I’m going to cause you to receive preferential treatment.” Believe it and receive it for today and all the days of your life!