“I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”
(Psalm 34:4, NIV)

In this day and age, it seems that there are so many things that people are afraid of. I’m not just talking about phobias. Many people are afraid of the future, afraid they won’t get married, afraid they won’t find a better job, afraid of getting sick. But the scripture gives us a simple remedy for all our fears, and that is to seek the Lord. How do you seek the Lord? With a humble and open heart. By setting aside time each day to commune with Him. By focusing your thoughts on Him and His goodness.
Friend, no matter what fears may be plaguing your mind today, God wants to deliver you. He promises to keep us in perfect peace when we keep our minds stayed on Him. Today, meditate on His goodness. Meditate on His perfect love which casts out all fear. As you seek the Lord, He will answer you. He will deliver you and lead you in the path of peace and victory all the days of your life!
(Psalm 34:4, NIV)
In this day and age, it seems that there are so many things that people are afraid of. I’m not just talking about phobias. Many people are afraid of the future, afraid they won’t get married, afraid they won’t find a better job, afraid of getting sick. But the scripture gives us a simple remedy for all our fears, and that is to seek the Lord. How do you seek the Lord? With a humble and open heart. By setting aside time each day to commune with Him. By focusing your thoughts on Him and His goodness.
Friend, no matter what fears may be plaguing your mind today, God wants to deliver you. He promises to keep us in perfect peace when we keep our minds stayed on Him. Today, meditate on His goodness. Meditate on His perfect love which casts out all fear. As you seek the Lord, He will answer you. He will deliver you and lead you in the path of peace and victory all the days of your life!