Don't Lose Your Shout

In scripture, Joshua and the people of Israel took over the entire city of Jericho when they obeyed God. Just like He said, they marched around the city for six days and then shouted praises on the seventh day. At the moment they shouted, the thick walls of the city came tumbling down.

Image result for beautiful flowers picturesNow maybe you've heard this story before, and if you haven't, I encourage you to read Joshua chapter six. Maybe you've been feeling like the people of Israel walking in circles for days. Maybe you aren't exactly sure what's going to happen in your circumstances, so you are just doing everything you can to keep going. I'm sure some of the people doubted. I'm sure they were tempted to quit. But they didn't. They didn't speak against their hope; in fact, they didn't say anything until they lifted up a shout of praise.
Image result for beautiful flowers picturesI want to remind you today that praise precedes the victory. Just like Joshua and the battle at Jericho, when you lift up a shout of praise, the walls and barricades in your life will come tumbling down. Those walls at Jericho were not small. They were so thick and strong that people lived inside the walls of the city like apartments. Maybe you feel like you are up against some tall, thick walls today. Let me tell you, those walls are no match for Almighty God! When you lift up a shout of praise, that is your battle cry! When you worship Him, He inhabits your praises; and when God shows up, every enemy must flee!
No matter what your circumstances look like, don't ever lose your shout. Don't ever lose your testimony. Don't let the enemy distract you from your mission. Keep pressing forward. Keep believing. Keep hoping, keep praising and keep shouting because there is Victory for all who call upon the name of the Lord!
"And at the seventh time, when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, 'Shout, for the Lord has given you the city.'" (Joshua 6:16, ESV)