Something New for You

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?...”(Isaiah 43:19, NLT)

Image result for mt elgonIt’s a new year, and God has something new in store for you! His plan for your life is not for you to reach one level, get stuck and stay there for 30 or 40 years. His plan is to increase you, open new doors before you, and take you places that you’ve never imagined. He has something big in your future, but He also has something big in store for this year! He’s already planned out big breaks, big opportunities and big ideas for you. You may have seen God’s goodness in the past, but you have not touched the surface of what God has for you in 2017!
I believe this new thing is going to be far greater than you’ve ever seen before. It’s going to be bigger than you imagined. It’s going to be more rewarding than you thought possible. Receive it by faith and declare, “Yes, God, this is for me today. I’m not going to get stuck where I am. I know You’re a big God, and You have something new coming my way!”