Your Time Is Coming (Prepared In The Process)

"They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…" (Isaiah 40:31, KJV)

Are you discouraged today because something isn’t happening in your life as fast as you would like? Find the wisdom in this inspiring message to not give up. God is working behind the scenes and also doing a work in you! What happens in you is extremely important for your future and where God wants to take you.

Image result for best valentine flowersEverything you go through—the struggle, the disappointment, the difficulty — God will allow to grow and ready you for the next season. But many people miss out and don’t give birth to everything that God has placed inside because they’ve given up too soon during this time of process. That doesn’t have to be you! Let Joel show you how to stay encouraged in the Lord and keep being your best. Once you’re prepared, then God will propel you. You will be amazed at what He will do in your future when you’re fully ready!