Call Things as Though They Are

Today’s Scripture
"…God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not."
(Romans 4:17, NIV)
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Your words have creative power. Just as God calls things that are not as though they were, we should also declare what we want to see in our lives. In other words, you may have days when you don't feel well, but don't go around saying, "Ah, my back has been hurting me. I'm getting so old. I don't think I'm ever going to get better." When you speak like that, you are speaking defeat into your future. Instead, turn it around. Declare a report of victory by saying, "I may not feel up to par, but I know it's only temporary. God is restoring health unto me. I'm getting stronger, healthier and feeling younger. My best days are still up ahead."
Remember, you're going to get what you call in to your life. You have creative power in your words, and you are prophesying your future. Declare what God says about you – that you are blessed and cannot be cursed, that you are above only and not beneath! As you call things that are not as though they were, you will see God's wonderful promises and blessing come to pass in every area of your life!