Look for Opportunity

“Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains.”
(Colossians 4:3, NLT)

Image result for Best flower 2017Paul was writing these words while he was in chains in prison. He was arrested for preaching the gospel. Everything in his surroundings shouted “limitations,” but instead of looking at his surroundings, Paul kept his eyes on the limitless God. He kept looking for the open door of opportunity that God would have for him next.
No matter what “chains” you may feel like you are in today, remember, we serve a God who’s in the business of setting people free. Remember, He has equipped you with His power. He’s promised to walk with you all the days of your life. When doors look closed all around you, when your surroundings look limited, when you feel like you’re in chains, remember, God is still at work in your life. Like Paul, keep your hopes up. Keep expecting. Keep believing. Pray for those opportunities to be opened to you. If you fall, get right back up and press forward with even greater determination to accomplish the dream that God has planted in your heart. The prayer of the righteous avails much, so keep praying because He promises to break the chains and open doors of opportunity in your life.


“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
(Psalm 34:1, KJV)

Image result for The best 2017 calendar quotes with imagesWhen you wake up in the morning, do you expect the goodness of God in your life? Do you set the tone of the day for success, favor and blessing with your words? Scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That’s why it’s so important to declare praises to God all throughout the day. Things may be bad all around you, people may be negative, complaining and discouraged, but don’t let that spirit rub off on you. The worse it gets, the brighter you’re going to shine. The good news is that no matter how you feel, no matter what’s going on around you, you can choose your words. There’s nothing that can stop you from constantly speaking His Word!
Today, be determined to set the tone for your day, week, month and year by continually praising God and speaking words of faith over your future. Remember, when you put God first, He promises to honor you. He will pour out His favor on you and lead you into life, health, strength and blessing all the days of your life!

Let His Love Show

“We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people.”
(1 Thessalonians 1:4, NLT)

Image result for new years eve 2017When others look at your life, do they see the love of God at work in you? Can they see growth and change? Do they know you are a follower of His? Remember, the evidence is in your words and actions. The most important thing you can do with your life is live as an example of His love. God’s love empowers us. His love changes us. It takes us to new levels. His love gives us eternal life.

Open your heart fully and receive His love today. Then turn around and show your love for Him by following His commands. Live in His love and show His love so that others will be drawn to Him.

He Laughs in the Heavens

“He Who sits in the heavens laughs...”
(Psalm 2:4, AMP)

Image result for new years eve dayHave you ever imagined God laughing in the heavens? Think about that for a moment. Right now, God is on the throne. He’s not mad. He’s not worried about the economy. He’s not upset with you and me. God is full of joy and laughing on the throne. It goes on to tell us in Psalm 37 that He’s laughing because “He can see the destruction of the enemy coming.” In other words, the reason God laughs is because He knows the end of the story. He knows the final outcome. The good news is that you and I win. God always causes us to triumph!
Imagine watching the Super Bowl when you already know the outcome. You already know who is going to win. No matter how far behind the winning team falls, no matter how bad it looks for them, you wouldn’t get upset. You wouldn’t be worried. Why? You’ve got inside information. You know the final outcome. That’s what God is saying to us today. When it gets tough and things don’t look like they’re going to work out, we know that with God we are on the winning team! Today, you can laugh with Him knowing that He has favor, strength and victory in store for your future!

Rise Higher

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
(Proverbs 13:20, NIV)

Image result for new year wishes jewishSometimes in order to embrace the destiny God has in store, you have to be willing to make some difficult changes in your life. You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need to do in order to move forward. This may mean that you need to change some friends you’re spending time with. Maybe they were fine for a season in your life, but you’ve outgrown them. This is a new season, and in order for you to rise higher, you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. You have to develop some new friendships with people who are going to pull you up and inspire you to rise higher.
I’ve found that if you’re the smartest one in your group, your group is too small. Find people who are smarter than you, people who will challenge you to stretch to the next level. Remember, he who walks with the wise becomes wise. Choose your friends wisely so that you can rise higher and walk in the destiny God has for you.

Far and Beyond

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.”
(Ephesians 3:20–21, NASB)

God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you can imagine! He wants to pour out His favor on you and open up opportunities that are beyond your expectations!
Image result for new year wishes jewishNotice this verse says that He will do it “according to the power that works in us.” How does His power work in us? When we yield ourselves to Him, when we obey His Word and do what pleases Him, more of His power is available in our lives. When we put Him first in everything that we do, when we choose love, we are allowing more of Him to work in and through us. When we choose God’s way, we get God’s results: peace, favor, blessing and increase.
Today, no matter what you are facing, know that when you invite God into your circumstances, He will transform them! He will do more than you could ever imagine. Line yourself up with His Word in your thoughts, words and actions, and watch Him do exceedingly abundantly far and beyond what you could ever imagine!