Your Heredity Can't Stop Your Destiny

"…If God is for us, who can be against us?"
(Romans 8:31, NIV)

Image result for Lilium regaleI heard somebody say, "Don't let your heredity stop your destiny." In other words, don't let the way somebody treated you or what they did or didn't give you keep you from pressing forward and becoming all that God has created you to be. The people who raised you may have had addictions, but that doesn't have to be your future. You can be the one to break that negative cycle. Your parents may have had anger issues or never amounted to much, but you don't have to keep letting that curse be passed from generation to generation. You can be the one to say, "No more. This is a new day! I may have had an unfair past, but I'm not going to have an unfair future. I know that God put a blessing on me before anybody could put a curse, and I'm not going to let my heredity stop my destiny."
Today, know that God is for you. When you choose to put Him first place in your life, then nothing can stop your destiny! Seek Him with a humble heart and break free from the bondage of the past!

Be Joyful in Hope

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."(Romans 12:12, NIV)

God has given you everything you need in order to enjoy your life. Think about that for a minute. What is keeping you from living life to the full? You may not be in the home you want. You may not have the exact job you would like. Maybe you’re single and really want to be married. If you focus on these temporary things, it opens the door to comparison and frustration.

Image result for best liliesIt’s good to have big dreams. It’s good to want to increase. But if you start comparing yourself to others, it will steal your joy. If you don’t learn to be happy where you are, you’ll never get to where you want to be. But if you’ll choose to be happy, refuse self-pity and refuse to complain, then you are sowing good seeds for God to take you where you want to be in your future.

Today, realize that God is directing your steps. You have a future and a hope. Take joy in knowing that He is working all things together for your good according to His divine plan. Stay in faith, focus on Him and obey His commands. Soon, you’ll see those new doors open so you can walk boldly into the place of blessing God has in store for you!

By His Divine Power

“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.”(2 Peter 1:3 NLT)

Whether you realize it or not, God has already given you everything you need to live the life He’s called you to. You don’t need to feel stressed out, worried or afraid. You don’t have to wonder if you’re “good enough” to receive from God because God’s blessing has nothing to do with your performance. He has already blessed you and given you everything you need by His divine power!
Image result for lilies of the fieldThe world’s system tells us to strive, toil and scrape to get what we want. Our culture puts limits on people because of their natural abilities, resources, background or circumstances. But with God, there are no limits! By His divine power, you are equipped, well able and strong. You are covered by His grace and mercy, and you are empowered to do all He has called you to do!
The next time you start thinking “I can’t...” or “I don’t have what it takes...,” attack those negative thoughts with the truth by declaring, “I have what it takes; I am well able; and I am equipped by His divine power at work in me!”