"Where there is no vision, the people perish…"
(Proverbs 29:18, KJV)
(Proverbs 29:18, KJV)
Did you know that the way you treat people has an impact on the effectiveness of your prayers? The Bible says that the prayer of the righteous person is powerful. But if we aren’t treating others with honor, kindness and respect, then we aren’t allowing His righteousness to operate in us. When we don’t treat others the way we should, it closes the door to God’s power and hinders our prayers.
This is especially true in a marriage relationship. Marriage isn’t just an agreement between two people to live life together. Marriage is a God-ordained institution that helps us understand love and unity. When two people are married, they become one physically, spiritually and emotionally. This particular passage is directed toward husbands, but it applies to all believers as well. We should all treat others “with understanding,” which means considering the needs of others above our own. We should always aim to treat others with kindness, dignity and respect, and quickly choose forgiveness. The Bible says that the way we treat others is the way we treat God. So choose love and treat others with respect so that your prayers will not be hindered!
The scripture talks about how God has given us the power to enjoy what is allotted and appointed to us. That simply means that I don’t have the power to enjoy your life. You may have more success, more money, more friends or a better job, but if you put me in your life, I’m not going to enjoy it. We are uniquely designed to run our own race.
When we truly understand and embrace this, we won’t be tempted to compare or wish we had what someone else has. You won’t think, “If only I had their talent…” No, if God wanted you to have that talent, He would have given it to you. Instead, take what you have and develop it. Make the most of it. Don’t think, “If only I had her looks…” No, God gave you your looks. That’s not an accident. The life you have has been perfectly matched for you.
Now, you’ve got to do your part and get excited about your life. Be excited about who you are—your looks, your talent, your ability, your personality. When you’re passionate about who you are, it brings honor to God. That’s when God will breathe in your direction and the seeds of greatness in you will take root and begin to flourish!
The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word “entheos.” “Theos” is God. When you’re enthusiastic, it simply means you are full of God. When you get up in the morning excited about your future, recognizing that day is a gift and go out with a spring in your step, pursuing your goals and passionate about life, then God will breathe in your direction. Studies even tell us that people who are enthusiastic get better breaks. They’re promoted more often. That’s not a coincidence. When you’re full of passion, you have the favor of God.
Remember, God didn’t breathe His life into us to drag through the day. He didn’t create us in His image, crown us with His favor, and equip us with His power to just go through the motions of life. You may have had some setbacks, the wind may have been taken out of your sail, but this is a new day! God wants to breathe new life back into you. If you’ll get your fire back, get your passion back, the wind will start blowing once again. When you’re in agreement with God, He can cause the winds of favor to shift in your direction!
No matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve done, realize today that your destiny supersedes your mistakes. When God designed the plan for your life, it wasn’t dependent on you being perfect, never making a mistake, or never taking a wrong turn. No, God knew we would all make mistakes. He knows how to get you back on track no matter where you are in life. Just like there are many routes on a map, God has a plan to help you reach your destination. He has detours, shortcuts and bypasses. He has already calculated the entire route for your life.
Today, if you’re feeling like you’ve blown it, if you feel like you are too old, too far gone or too far off track, know that nothing you’ve done, no mistake that you’ve made—or ever will make—is a surprise to God. He’s already got it figured out. He’s arranged a comeback for every setback! He has grace for every weakness. He has mercy for every failure. Receive it today and move forward with boldness into the destiny He has for you!
When we make mistakes in life, there are three main things that we need to do. Number one, ask for forgiveness. Number two, receive God’s mercy. And number three, move forward with your life. Let it go and press ahead. So many people today are still beating themselves down over something they did five years ago. They’ve asked God to forgive them a thousand times, but can’t let it go. They go around living depressed, defeated and feeling unworthy. If that’s you, realize today the price has already been paid. The first time you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you. Now you’ve got to receive God’s mercy and press ahead. That mistake did not change who you are to God. My children have never once gotten up in the morning as an Osteen and then done something wrong and gone to bed that night with a different last name. No matter what they did, they’re still my children. You may have made mistakes today, but because of the blood of Jesus, you are still your Father’s child. You are still the apple of God’s eye. You are still His most prized possession. God may not be pleased with every action, but He is pleased when you receive His forgiveness by faith!