New Creation

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
(2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)
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Everyone loves to receive something new. When you become a believer in Jesus, you not only receive something new, you become something new. You are a brand new creation! Your eternal being, the spirit on the inside of you, is recreated in Christ. The old is gone, the new is here!
The Bible also talks about working out our salvation. That means you have to retrain your body and mind to act, think, speak and live according to the new spirit within you instead of turning to the old habits you used to have. Don’t ever get stuck in a rut thinking, “I’ll never change...that’s just the way I am.” No, the Bible says that the Spirit of God helps us in our weakness. He gives us strength to overcome. He empowers us to live as more than conquerors. If there is something you want to change in your life today, remember, you are a new creation in Christ. You are empowered to overcome!

Ask Big

“Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.”
(Psalm 2:8, NIV)
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God doesn’t want us to just barely get by in life. He wants us to thrive and experience the fullness of His blessing. Not only does He want to meet our needs, He wants us to be in a position to reach out and help meet the needs of others, too. When we pray and ask God for something, it opens a supernatural door. Our faith gives God something to work with. Faith is what pleases Him. Faith moves mountains. Did you know that it pleases God when we pray bold prayers and ask Him for big things? God loves it when we step outside of the realm of the possible and totally believe what He can do. With God, all things are possible!
Today, get bold with your prayers. Ask God for big things. Believe that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Put your faith to work because God is faithful. He has big things in store for you, and He says to ask Him!
"It is written: ‘I believed; therefore I have spoken.’ With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak."
(2 Corinthians 4:13, NIV)
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Believe and Declare
I know a man who was believing to pay his house off. It was a standard 30-year mortgage, and he had 23 years left. In the natural, there was no way he could do it. But he was bold enough to say, “Father, I want to thank You that You are Jehovah Jireh; the Lord my provider. I know my job is not my source. You are my source. It may look impossible, but I know You can do the impossible.”
Several years ago, he received an inheritance from a family member that he had never met before. He didn’t even know they were related. He was able to not only pay his house off, but he paid a friend’s house off as well. What was that? Explosive blessings!
Friend, when you believe God, you position yourself for a miracle. When you obey His commands, you set yourself under the open windows of heaven. When you declare His Word, you activate His power. Keep standing, keep believing, keep speaking and see the victory and blessing He has in store for you!

Get Ready for the "New"

"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed."
(Luke 5:37, ESV)
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Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? In order to move forward into the blessings God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important as what is out in front of you. It’s time to get ready for the “new”!
You may have had some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand. But let me tell you, you have come too far to stop now. Instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take a step of faith into the new? It’s time to get a new, bigger vision; it’s time to get a new, fresher outlook; it’s time to rise up with a new attitude! Instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward. Have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it; it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page. I know God has a new chapter for me—a chapter filled with blessings, favor and victory!

He is a Rewarder

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
(Hebrews 11:6, NIV)
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Do you see God as a rewarder today? Notice this verse doesn’t say that God rewards those who “deserve” it or have “earned” it. It doesn’t say that God rewards those who act perfectly and never make mistakes. No, God’s blessing isn’t based on our performance, it’s based on our faith—our belief in Him and His goodness. In fact, one verse says that He longs to be good to those who are looking for His goodness!
I encourage you today to spend some time meditating on His goodness and dwelling on His faithfulness. Look for Him and expect Him to act. Spend some time reading the Psalms and begin to praise and thank Him for all He is doing. Open your eyes of faith and see all of the wonderful things He has prepared for you. Let His Word shape your thoughts, and remember He is a rewarder! He wants to bless you today because you earnestly seek after Him!

When God is Your Boss

"For exaltation (promotion) comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another."
(Psalm 75:6-7, NKJV)
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When God is Your Boss
I know this man who was upset because his boss was really against him. The boss was always trying to make him look bad and would never give him any kind of recognition. The truth is that his boss was jealous of him. But, this man just kept being his best, working unto God. There were several promotions that he should have received, but because of this unfair boss, he was passed over.
One day the CEO of the corporation was in town, and this man had to make a presentation. The CEO was very impressed. About a year later, a position became available that should have gone to the man’s boss, but the CEO bypassed the boss and called this man directly. Today, instead of working for the unfair boss, the tables have turned. The boss is working for him.
Always remember, promotion comes from the Lord. When you stay faithful and keep a right attitude, that’s when God will promote you. One touch of His favor and things will totally turn around! Keep abiding. Keep being faithful. Stay on that high road. God will make your wrongs right and promote you in your due season!

Abundant Life Today

"...I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
(John 10:10, NKJV)
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Image result for beautiful rosesAre you living the abundant life Jesus came to give? I’m not talking about living in the fanciest house or driving the newest car. No, His promise of abundant life goes way beyond material things that this world offers. Abundant life means “life to the full.” That means no matter what is going on around you, you can partake of the full blessings of God. You can have peace in the midst of a storm. You can have joy when things are uncertain. You can have hope when circumstances seem hopeless. As believers, a lot of times it’s easy to look at that verse and think, “God is going to give me abundant life someday.” But the truth is that God wants you to have abundant life TODAY! Don’t waste another second living in mediocrity or settling for less than God’s best. Receive His blessings by faith today. Receive His hope, joy, strength and favor. Declare that you are living the abundant life today and every day!