Another Victory is on the Way

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere."
(2 Corinthians 2:14, ESV)
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Are you facing challenges or difficulties today? Maybe something has happened that could easily discourage you and cause you to give up on your dreams. I want to remind you today that where you are is not where you are going to stay. God has a good plan in store for your future. When you stay in step with Him, you’ll walk right into victory.
Scripture tells us that God wants to take us from glory to glory, from victory to victory. Even if you are between victories right now, keep your passion. Keep your enthusiasm. Focus on the fact that God has another level for you—another level of glory, another level of increase, another level of His favor.
Today I encourage you, go out with a smile on your face. Give Him your best. When you thank God for what He has done, you are sowing a seed that He will use in your future. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping and stand strong because another victory is coming your way!

Stored Up Blessings

"Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!"
(Psalm 31:19, NKJV)
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Scripture talks about how God has blessings stored up for those that honor Him. Think about that. God has contracts, houses, ideas, good breaks that already have your name on them! They’ve been stored up for you. The question is, how do you see them released? Number one: by honoring God and keeping Him first place. Then number two: by making room for them in your thinking. You’ve got to believe that something big is in your future. You’ve got to declare His promises over your life. You have to see with your eyes of faith what God can do.
Today, why don’t you take the limits off of God and say, “God, I don’t see how this could happen in the natural, but I know You are a supernatural God. I know You have blessings that already have my name on them. Lord, I just want to thank You for Your far and beyond favor.” If you live like that, you will see God amaze you with His goodness, and you’ll receive those blessings He has stored up for you!

Praising in the Midnight Hour

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose."
(Acts 16:25-26, NIV)
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Paul and Silas were put in jail for spreading good news. It wasn’t fair. They were beaten with rods without a trial. It was unjust. As they sat in the prison, bloody, bruised and uncomfortable, they began to sing praises to God. All of the sudden, there was a great earthquake. The prison doors flung open, the chains fell off and they walked out as free men. What happened? They praised their way to victory!
Friend, if you’re going to live in victory, you have to know how to praise in your midnight hour—when things seem the darkest, when you’re in pain, disappointed, lonely or experiencing a loss. When you praise Him no matter what, that’s when God can enter your situation. That’s when He can break your chains and set you free!
Even if you aren’t in a difficult season, remember, praise paves the way to victory. Praise is what we are called to do! Today, praise Him, not because of how you feel but because He is worthy! Praise Him in your midnight hour and get ready to embrace the freedom and victory He has prepared for you!

Really Alive

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."(John 10:10, NIV)

Image result for best flowers drawingA couple of years ago, I was watching the news when Captain Sullenberger successfully landed a jet airplane in the Hudson River. All 155 passengers survived. It’s known as “The Miracle on the Hudson.” A reporter asked one passenger what he thought about it all. He was soaking wet, freezing cold, a little bit frazzled, but he had this incredible glow about him, an excitement in his voice. I’ll never forget what he told the reporter, “I was alive before, but now I’m really alive.”
My question today is, “Are you really alive?” Are you passionate about the life God has given you? Do you get up every morning with enthusiasm, pursuing your dreams? God doesn’t want you to just “be alive” or just exist or endure. He wants you to be really alive! You have seeds of greatness on the inside. There is something more for you to accomplish. Get excited about what God is doing! Lift up your eyes of faith to Him. Keep hoping, keep believing, keep trusting and keep living because God has a wonderful plan in store for you!

Be Full of It

"These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
(John 15:11, KJV)
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Jesus came to give you joy and joy to the full! When your joy is full, it can be seen by others. Joy is supposed to be displayed. As believers, we should have a smile on our face and a spring in our step. We should be kind and friendly. We should be fun to be around. We should be full of His supernatural joy!
Have you allowed the pressures of life to push you down? Have you been more focused on your circumstances than on your God? If you’re not enjoying your life or relationships, it’s time to refocus and tap into the full joy within. It’s time to draw the line in the sand and say, “That’s it. I’m not going to live another day negative, discouraged, sour or grumpy. I’m going to put a smile on my face. I’m going to let my joy be seen so I can brighten somebody else’s day. I’m going to live my life happy and full of joy!”
Friend, when you take that step of faith and choose to trust God with your future, something changes on the inside. Your feelings will soon line up. Your faith will tap into His supernatural joy. And when you tap into joy, you tap into His strength and victory so you can live the full, abundant life He has prepared for you!

Walk Through

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me..."
(Psalm 23:4, NKJV)
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Do you ever feel like you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death? During the tough times, it’s easy to get discouraged. I love what it says in the verse, “though I walk through…” No matter what you are facing today, know this: you are not alone, and you are just walking through. You don’t have to stop and live in the tough times. They are only temporary. I encourage you today; don’t allow fear to paralyze you in the middle of “the valley of the shadow of death.” Remember, God is with you. He is walking beside you. He is strengthening you. He is making a way of escape for you. He is lining up people and situations to bring you out of that tough place into a place of strength and victory. Don’t give up! Press on and walk through! Begin to get a vision of your life on the other side. See yourself more loving, more faithful, stronger and more blessed than ever before. As you keep moving forward and walking through, you will get to the other side and experience the victory God has in store for you!

Stir Up Your Dreams

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…"
(2 Timothy 1:6, NKJV)
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Do you need some freshness in your life today? It’s probably time to stir up what God has placed on the inside of you. It’s time to stir up those gifts, stir up those dreams, stir up those talents inside. Start stretching yourself. This doesn’t just mean making New Year’s resolutions; this means tapping into the destiny God has placed in your heart.
Scripture tells us that without vision, people perish. If you don’t have a dream, you’re not really living the way God intends; you’re merely existing. Maybe at one time you had a dream, but you went through some disappointments or setbacks. Things didn’t turn out the way you planned. But here’s a key: when one dream dies, dream another dream. Just because it didn’t work out the way you had it planned doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have another plan. You cannot allow one disappointment or even a series of disappointments to convince you that your dream is over. It’s time to dig your heels in and hold on to the promises in your heart. As you stir up those God-given dreams and desires, He’ll pour out His favor and blessings and fulfill every desire in your heart!