Trust His Timing

"My times are in Your hand…"
(Psalm 31:15, NASB)
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One thing I’ve learned is that God doesn’t always work on our timetable. In fact, He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life! All throughout Scripture, we see examples of how God was working behind the scenes and instantly turned things around for His people. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever which means if He did it for them, He can instantly turn things around for you, too!
You may be going through some difficulty today, but be encouraged because your times are in God’s hands. Trust that He has your best interest at heart. He wants to pour out His favor. He wants to take you further than you dreamed possible and work in your life in ways beyond what you have ever imagined.
Let this truth sink down into your heart today. Resist discouragement by speaking His Word over your future. Keep standing, keep hoping and keep believing because He is working behind the scenes. Have faith because your times are in His hands, and He will lead you in the life of victory He has for you!

Before You Were Born

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you…"
(Jeremiah 1:5, AMPC)
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Did you know that God was thinking about you before you were ever born? He knew everything about you before you were in your mother’s womb. He created you on purpose, for a purpose. He carefully planned who you would be, the color of your hair, and the color of your eyes and skin. He gave you gifts, talents and abilities to be used for His glory. He took one look at you and said, “Approved.”
No matter how you may be feeling right now, no matter who’s approval you didn’t get on this earth, know that Almighty God loves you and approves of you today. There’s nothing you can do now or ever to change that. You may be thinking, “I’ve made so many mistakes, how can God approve of me?” Understand that when God sees you, He separates you from your behavior. He may not approve of your actions all the time, but He desires to help you grow and make better choices.
Today, receive His love and acceptance. Allow Him to work in your life. Allow His love to empower and strengthen you because you are approved and equipped to live in victory all the days of your life!

Accept His Timing

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
(Galatians 6:9, NKJV)
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Accept His Timing
I’d love to tell you that if you stay in faith, if you believe, then God will always answer your prayer within 24 hours, or at least within the first week. But we know that’s not reality. God promises He will be true to His word, but He never puts a time frame on it. In fact, He tells us that we need patience to see the promises come to pass. Sure, it would be a lot easier if God told us when we were going to get well, when we would meet the right person, or when our child would straighten up. But the truth is, that wouldn’t take any faith. It takes faith to say, “God, I don’t know when You are going to do it, but I trust You enough to believe that You will do it, that the answer is already in my future.”
Today and every day let this be your prayer: “God, give me the grace to accept Your timing.” That means you’re asking for God’s strength, His supernatural empowerment to stand strong while you are waiting. Choose to keep believing, choose to praise Him, and choose to accept His timing knowing that He is faithful and has untold blessings in store for your future!

The Best Time

"The vision is yet for an appointed time…"
(Habakkuk 2:3, NKJV)
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    The Best Time

The Scripture says, “The vision is for an appointed time.” That means there is a specific time already determined for the fulfillment of the desires God has placed in your heart. The appointed time is the best time! We have to trust that God can see the big picture for our lives. He knows what’s up ahead. He knows what we’re going to need, who we’re going to need, and when they need to show up. If God did everything we ask on our timetable, it would limit us because sometimes what we’re asking for is too small. Sometimes the person we think we can’t live without, God knows in ten years they’re not going to be good for us. So He is closing the door right now. Sometimes the promotion we want so badly, if God gave it to us right now, He knows it would keep us from a much bigger promotion that He has three years down the road.
Remember, God has the advantage of seeing it all. The longer I live, the more I trust Him. The more I see His hand of faithfulness, the more I know that His plan is better than my plan. Today, trust that He knows what He’s doing. Trust that He has an appointed time, and it is the best time to bring to pass His promises in your life!

Dwell in Safety and Trust

In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust."
(Psalm 4:8, AMPC)
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All throughout Scripture, God has promised to be your Protector, Defender, your Strength, your Shelter and so much more. Even when the storms of life come against you, as long as you are dwelling in Him, you dwell in safety and trust—nothing can take away your peace and joy. What does it mean to dwell in Him? One of the definitions of the word “dwell” means to keep your attention directed toward something. The more you keep your attention directed toward God, the more you will know Him, and the more confidence you will have in Him. When you focus your heart and mind on the Word of God and declare His promises over your life, you are dwelling in Him. When you lift your voice in worship and give Him glory and honor, you are dwelling in Him. When you spend time meditating on Him and connecting with Him through prayer, you are dwelling in Him.
Are you facing a difficult situation? Give your attention to the Father. Do you need His peace and protection? Focus your heart and mind on Him. As you dwell on Him, you will see His goodness, and you’ll live in peace and victory all the days of your life!


"…faith without works is dead."
(James 2:20, NKJV)
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Are you waiting for God to do something in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be a passive thing. When we’re waiting the correct way, we’re on the lookout. We talk like what we are believing for is going to happen. We act like it’s going to happen. We’re making preparations.
It’s just like when you’re expecting someone for dinner; you don’t wait till they show up before you decide to start cooking. Most likely you start early in the day. You make sure the house is clean, you go to the grocery store, and maybe you buy some flowers for the table. You make preparations because you’re expecting someone. Well, that’s the attitude we need to have while we’re waiting for God’s promises to come to pass. Put your faith to work. Prepare for the answer to come. Keep standing, keep believing, and keep hoping because your answer is on the wa

Flourishing Finish

"For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you…to give you hope in your final outcome."
(Jeremiah 29:11, AMPC)
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God desires to see you flourish in this life. He wants to see you come out of setbacks stronger, wiser, increased and promoted. He wants to give you hope in your final outcome and see you come to a flourishing finish.
When my father died unexpectedly, all in our family was not well. We didn’t know how everything was going to turn out. We didn’t have all the answers, but we understood the principle that God never ends on a negative. Instead of getting stuck on that page, we just kept moving forward little by little, doing our best, being faithful, being good to people. When I look out today, I can see the faithfulness of God. I can say like David, “Look what the Lord has done!”
Remember, when you encounter adversity, know that God isn’t finished yet. He never ends on a negative. He has more in store for you if you will keep pressing forward. Don’t let your thoughts get stuck on the circumstances. Instead, lift up your eyes to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Trust that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf, and He will lead you into a flourishing finish!