Give More, Have More

In the natural, it doesn’t make sense that you will have more if you give more. But God’s kingdom operates on the principle of sowing and reaping. This is one of the first things He established with Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. He said, “As long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest.”
We have to realize that everything we need in this life has been given to us in seed form. We set the blessing of God into motion in our lives when we plant those seeds and give what we have. Galatians tells us that whatever we sow, we will reap. Seeds produce after their own kind. If you sow apple seeds, you reap apple trees. If you sow kindness and blessing, you reap kindness and blessing in the future. If you sow financial seeds, you’ll reap a financial harvest.
Today, no matter what you need, you have it in seed form. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to plant and water that seed. Trust Him because He is faithful to His Word. Know that when you give, it will come back to you in greater measure. When you give more, you have more. So sow a seed and watch what God will do!

He Will Deliver You

"Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honor and glorify Me."
(Psalm 50:15, AMPC)
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Are you facing trouble in any area of your life today? God is standing ready to deliver you. He promises in His Word that He is near to all those who call upon His name. No matter what you may be going through, have confidence knowing that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. He promises to deliver you!
Notice that today's verse tells us that our part is to honor and glorify Him. In other words, you don't have to wait until everything is perfect to give Him praise. You can give Him honor and glory right now. You can thank Him for all He's done in your life so far and what He will do in your future.
Call on Him today and focus on having an attitude of faith and expectancy. Speak His Word and declare His promises over your life. Trust in Him because He will take you places you've never dreamed. As you praise Him, He'll deliver you and take you higher and higher into the good life He has prepared for you!

Let God Arise

"Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered..."
(Psalm 68:1, NKJV)
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Let me ask you today, what are you letting arise in your life? In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say, “Oh, Joel, it’s just so hard right now. My health doesn’t look good.” “Somebody walked out on me.” No, you’re focusing on the wrong things. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “God is still in control. I may be hurting right now, but I know God is the restorer of my soul.” “I know God is my provider. He is supplying all of my needs.”
When you start giving God glory and letting Him arise in your life, you can’t stay defeated. Your enemies will be scattered! They’ll tremble at your words of faith. Begin right now by declaring God’s goodness in your life and let Him arise so that you can move forward in the victory He has for you.

Holding Fast

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)."
(Hebrews 10:23, KJV)
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“Hold fast” is not a phrase we often use in this culture. But in the original Greek, hold fast means not only to embrace, but to embrace with force as if someone is trying to take something from you. In other words, you’ve got to have a firm grip or you’re going to lose out! And notice what we are supposed to hold fast to—our profession, our declaration of faith.
I like to think of it sort of like a tug of war. You’re on one end and the enemy is on the other. He’s trying to pull that rope out of your hand. He’s trying to steal your hope and get you to speak negative words of doubt and unbelief. But you’ve got to be determined and stand strong. You’ve got to persevere and hold fast. Don’t let the enemy pull the seed of faith out of your heart! You might need to dig your heels in and get a new grip, but don’t you dare let go! Keep speaking words of faith. Keep speaking words of hope. Keep declaring God’s Word and keep holding fast to the profession of your faith!


My times are in Your hand..."
(Psalm 31:15, NASB)
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One thing I’ve learned is that God doesn’t always work on our timetable. In fact, He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life! All throughout Scripture, we see examples of how God was working behind the scenes and instantly turned things around for His people. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever which means He can instantly turn things around for you, too!
You may be going through some difficulty today, but be encouraged because your times are in God’s hands. He wants to accelerate things in your favor. He wants to take you further than you dreamed possible and work in your life in ways beyond what you have ever imagined.
Let this truth sink down into your heart today. Resist discouragement by speaking His Word over your future. Keep standing. Keep hoping; keep believing because He is working behind the scenes. He’s going to accelerate your times and lead you into the life of victory He has for you!

You Have What It Takes

"For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you."
(2 Corinthians 9:10, NLT)
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When Jesus sent His disciples out to heal the sick, meet their needs, and share the Gospel, He told them, “Give as freely as you have received” (Matthew 10:8). In other’s words, God has given you everything you need to do what He’s called you to do in this life. He has equipped you to be successful and has empowered you to overcome in this life. He’s given you seed to sow in order to have an abundant harvest in your future. You have what it takes!
God has placed seed in your hand today, but in order for that seed to produce, it has to be planted. It has to be watered. It has to be fertilized. Today, ask God to show you where to plant your seed. Make sure you are sowing in the right ground and tending to the seed He has given you. Remember, God has a good plan for your future. He has plans to bless you and increase you. Today, you have what it takes to move forward and receive the blessing He has prepared for you!

A Place of Abundance

"...We went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance."
(Psalm 66:12, NIV)
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Everyone has times in life when they feel like they are going through the fire, or perhaps, feel overwhelmed with everyday life. If that’s you today, understand that God is going to bring you through those challenges; He’s going to bring you through the fire and the flood into a place of abundance. We serve a God of more than enough, and His heart is to always make sure you have whatever you need to be successful in every area of your life. The Bible says that Jesus came so that we can have life—abundant life! He wants you to have an abundance of resources, an abundance of wisdom, an abundance of peace—everything you need. Open your heart and thank Him for His goodness. Begin to receive His promises by faith. Remember, your praise opens the door for Him to move on your behalf, and He wants to take you to a place of abundance in every area of your life!