New Seasons of God’s Blessing

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
(2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)

Image result for best valentine flowersEvery person has had negative things spoken over them in the past. Maybe someone told you that you don’t have what it takes or that you’re not going to be successful. It’s almost like they cursed your future. But the good news is that the blessing of God is greater than any curse. If you’ll get rid of those negative strongholds and choose to believe what God says about you in His Word, you will begin to see a turning point in your life.
Today, I declare blessing over you—that you are strong and courageous. You are full of talent, creativity and wisdom. You can accomplish your God-given dreams. You walk in divine health. You have favor with every person you meet. Everything you touch is going to prosper and succeed. Those seeds of greatness on the inside of you are growing stronger and stronger. That hidden treasure is about to burst forth, and you’re going to come into new seasons of increase, new seasons of favor, new seasons of God’s blessings! You are who God says you are. You have what God says you have. And I declare you can do everything God says you can do in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Stand and See

“...stand and see the salvation of the Lord...”
(2 Chronicles 20:17, NASB)

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So many people today run from anything that’s hard. They run from their problems. They run from responsibility. They run from people they don’t like. They run from the past. They run from anything that makes them uncomfortable. Instead of facing the issues and dealing with them, they just take the easy way out and go down the path of least resistance. But if you’re going to live in victory the way God intends, you have to learn how to face your challenges head on. Notice today’s verse doesn’t say, “Keep running until you see the salvation of the Lord.” It doesn’t say, “Bury your head in the sand until God delivers you.” No, God wants us to stand strong, set our faces like a flint, and fight the good fight of faith. And the good news is, you don’t have to do it in your own strength! He’s equipped you with His supernatural power to overcome every obstacle!

Established in Love

“...that you, being rooted and grounded in love...”
(Ephesians 3:17, NKJV)

Image result for best valentine flowersDid you know there is tremendous power in love? In the same way that a tree will grow taller and stronger when its roots grow deep, you’ll be stronger and have more of God’s power operating in your life when you are rooted and established in love.
Did you know that faith can only work by love? First Corinthians 13 gives us a picture of what that looks like. Among other things, love is patient and kind. It does not seek its own way. It is not jealous or boastful or proud. When you choose love instead of choosing your own way, you are showing that God is first place in your life. You are establishing yourself in love. Choose love today, and let it be firm within you. Let that love build security in you and empower you to live in victory in every area of your life!

The Seed of the Word

“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”
(Luke 8:15, NIV)

Image result for mt elgonSometimes in the natural, we don’t see how God’s promises are going to come to pass. It may seem like there are so many obstacles to overcome. But God’s Word is like a seed. When it’s planted in our hearts and we water it by thinking the right thoughts and expecting good things, that little seed begins to grow into something much, much greater.
Jesus told a parable in Mark, chapter four. He said that God’s Word is like a tiny mustard seed. When it is sown, it is less than all the other seeds, one of the smallest. But when it grows up, it becomes greater than all. Notice it goes from being less than all to being greater than all.
Are you in an overwhelming situation today, maybe in your health, finances or relationships? Does God’s promise seem small compared to what you’re facing?
Don’t sit back and think, “Man, it’s never going to get any better. It’s never going to change.” Instead, sow the Word by speaking it every single day. Water that seed by staying in faith because the seed of the Word has supernatural power in it. It will grow and flourish, and you will see God’s promises come to pass all the days of your life!

A Supernatural Perspective

 “...I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19, NIV) often, people limit themselves in their thinking. They don’t think they’ll ever accomplish their dreams. They start thinking they don’t have the talent, the connections or the funds. They don’t think a marriage could ever be restored or they’ll ever get out of debt. But that kind of thinking comes from looking at things in the natural. That’s a limited perspective. We have to realize that God is a supernatural God. Just because we don’t see a way doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a way. God can bring one opportunity across your path that will thrust you to a new level. He has explosive blessings that can blast you out of debt and into abundance! He can do what medical science can’t do!

Today, I encourage you to take the limits off your thinking. Lift up your eyes to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Trust that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf and will make a way out of no way. Remember, what you are facing may seem impossible with man, but when God puts His “super” on your “natural,” anything is possible!

Something New for You

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?...”(Isaiah 43:19, NLT)

Image result for mt elgonIt’s a new year, and God has something new in store for you! His plan for your life is not for you to reach one level, get stuck and stay there for 30 or 40 years. His plan is to increase you, open new doors before you, and take you places that you’ve never imagined. He has something big in your future, but He also has something big in store for this year! He’s already planned out big breaks, big opportunities and big ideas for you. You may have seen God’s goodness in the past, but you have not touched the surface of what God has for you in 2017!
I believe this new thing is going to be far greater than you’ve ever seen before. It’s going to be bigger than you imagined. It’s going to be more rewarding than you thought possible. Receive it by faith and declare, “Yes, God, this is for me today. I’m not going to get stuck where I am. I know You’re a big God, and You have something new coming my way!”

Ask Big

“Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.”(Psalm 2:8, NIV)

Image result for mt elgonGod doesn’t want us to just barely get by in life. He wants us to thrive and experience the fullness of His blessing. Not only does He want to meet our needs, He wants us to be in a position to reach out and help meet the needs of others, too. When we pray and ask God for something, it opens a supernatural door. Our faith gives God something to work with. Faith is what pleases Him. Faith moves mountains. Did you know that it pleases God when we pray bold prayers and ask Him for big things? God loves it when we step outside of the realm of the possible and totally believe what He can do. With God, all things are possible!
Today, get bold with your prayers. Ask God for big things. Believe that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Put your faith to work because God is faithful. He has big things in store for you, and He says to ask Him!