The Process of Growing Up

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"You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect."(Matthew 5:48, AMPC)

One thing I’ve learned is that just because God puts a dream in our heart doesn’t mean it’s going to come to pass without any opposition. See, God is going to grow us up. He’s going to mature us. He’s going to prepare us to handle the promotion He has in store.

I think about Joseph in the Bible. Starting out, he didn’t have a whole lot of wisdom. He was young and immature, and God had to do a work in his life. Joseph probably shouldn’t have told his brothers about his dream that they would one day serve him! As you can imagine, his brothers were not nearly as excited about that as he was. Long story short, Joseph had to go through some things to grow up and be ready for the promotion God had in store.

Friend, it’s the same way with us today. You may have a dream in your heart that seems a million miles away, but just like Joseph, God can take you from the prison to the palace in one step. During the growing process, keep yourself focused on Him and allow Him to do His work in your life. Keep a humble attitude of faith before Him, and He will lead you and guide you into the destiny He has prepared for you!

Your Time Is Coming (Prepared In The Process)

"They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…" (Isaiah 40:31, KJV)

Are you discouraged today because something isn’t happening in your life as fast as you would like? Find the wisdom in this inspiring message to not give up. God is working behind the scenes and also doing a work in you! What happens in you is extremely important for your future and where God wants to take you.

Image result for best valentine flowersEverything you go through—the struggle, the disappointment, the difficulty — God will allow to grow and ready you for the next season. But many people miss out and don’t give birth to everything that God has placed inside because they’ve given up too soon during this time of process. That doesn’t have to be you! Let Joel show you how to stay encouraged in the Lord and keep being your best. Once you’re prepared, then God will propel you. You will be amazed at what He will do in your future when you’re fully ready!

This is the Day

“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
(Psalm 118:24, NKJV)

Image result for best valentine flowersIt’s easy to come up with excuses to delay our happiness. All the time I hear things like, “As soon as I get out of this problem, I’ll be happy.” Or, “As soon as I lose ten soon as my business soon as my child straightens up...” No, if you don’t put your foot down and decide to be happy right now, there will always be something to keep you from being happy. Let’s get rid of the excuses and make the decision to enjoy life right now, today. God never intended for us to put off our happiness. That’s why David said, “This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it.” He was saying, “This is the day to be happy; not tomorrow, not when the weather clears up. Not next week, when I don’t have to work so hard. Not next month, when I make it through this difficult time.” No, choose to honor the Lord right now by choosing to enjoy your life. This is the day that the Lord has made!

You Have What it Takes

“For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.”
(2 Corinthians 9:10, NLT)

Image result for best valentine flowersWhen Jesus sent His disciples out to heal the sick, meet their needs, and share the Gospel, He told them, “Give as freely as you have received” (Matthew 10:8). In other’s words, God has given you everything you need to do what He’s called you to do in this life. He has equipped you to be successful and has empowered you to overcome in this life. He’s given you seed to sow in order to have an abundant harvest in your future. You have what it takes!
God has placed seed in your hand today, but in order for that seed to produce, it has to be planted. It has to be watered. It has to be fertilized. Today, ask God to show you where to plant your seed. Make sure you are sowing in the right ground and tending to the seed He has given you. Remember, God has a good plan for your future. He has plans to bless you and increase you. Today, you have what it takes to move forward and receive the blessing He has prepared for you!

Be Stable-Minded

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”
(James 1:6, NIV)

Image result for best valentine flowersOne thing that can lead you away from your potential and seeing the awesome plan God has for your life is your emotions. Emotions are God-given, but too often, people allow their circumstances to dictate their emotions and thoughts instead of the Word of God. When we allow our circumstances to dictate our emotions, when we are moved by what we see and experience, it opens the door for doubt and fear to come in. When we allow doubt and fear in, we become unstable. Understand this key: the way you feel today has little to do with what God is actually doing in your life. He’s working behind the scenes whether you realize it or not! Don’t allow yourself to be tossed around by your emotions any longer. Instead, choose to be stable-minded by focusing your thoughts on the Word of God. Stand strong in Him so you can confidently embrace the good plan He has for you!