It's Your Time

"For the vision is yet for an appointed time…"
(Habakkuk 2:3, NKJV)
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God has planted seeds of greatness on the inside of you, and He has predestined that those things in your heart will come to pass. You may have had more than your share of unfair things happen in your life. You probably have plenty of reasons to just settle where you are. But understand, the depth of your past is an indication of the height of your future.
If you’ve been through a lot of negative things in the past, it just means that your future is bigger and brighter and greater than you can even imagine. It’s your time to step out and embrace all that God has for you! Are there dreams and promises that you’ve let go of? Are there things that God has placed in your heart, but because of time, because of disappointments, you’ve given up on them?
Today is the day to give your dreams a new beginning. Today is the day to allow faith to rise in your heart. Remember, what’s happened to you is not nearly as important as what’s happened in you, and you are stronger and wiser than ever before. It’s your time, it’s your season to move forward into the destiny that God has prepared for you!

Call Things as Though They Are

Today’s Scripture
"…God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not."
(Romans 4:17, NIV)
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Your words have creative power. Just as God calls things that are not as though they were, we should also declare what we want to see in our lives. In other words, you may have days when you don't feel well, but don't go around saying, "Ah, my back has been hurting me. I'm getting so old. I don't think I'm ever going to get better." When you speak like that, you are speaking defeat into your future. Instead, turn it around. Declare a report of victory by saying, "I may not feel up to par, but I know it's only temporary. God is restoring health unto me. I'm getting stronger, healthier and feeling younger. My best days are still up ahead."
Remember, you're going to get what you call in to your life. You have creative power in your words, and you are prophesying your future. Declare what God says about you – that you are blessed and cannot be cursed, that you are above only and not beneath! As you call things that are not as though they were, you will see God's wonderful promises and blessing come to pass in every area of your life!

Stay Connected

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
(John 15:5, NKJV)
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Do you need more power and strength in your life today? When you are connected to the Father through Jesus, you are connected to your life source. Just as a branch is sustained by the vine it’s attached to, we are sustained by being attached to Him.
If you think about how fruit grows, it doesn’t just happen over night; it takes time and the right conditions. In the same way, the spiritual fruit in your own life develops over time, too. You might be tempted to get discouraged if you aren’t seeing “fruit” as quickly as you’d like, but be encouraged today! If you’ll keep your heart humble before the Lord and stay connected to Him through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll see that fruit begin to form in your life just as He promised! You’ll see the fruit of joy, which is strength. You’ll see the fruit of love and peace, which will sustain you in the midst of difficulty. As you stay connected to Him, you’ll be empowered and equipped for every circumstance, and you’ll live as an overcomer in every area of your life!

Let His Love Show

"We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people."
(1 Thessalonians 1:4, NLT)
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When others look at your life, do they know that God loves you? Can they see the change in you? Do they know you are a follower of His? Remember, the evidence is in your words and actions. The most important thing you could ever know and show is that God loves you. His love changes us. His love empowers us. His love takes us to new levels. His love gives us eternal life. Open your heart fully and receive His love today. Then turn around and love Him in return by following His commands. Make the decision today to let His love show all over you!

Draw Closer to God

"Come close to God, and God will come close to you… "
(James 4:8, NLT)
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God promises that He will draw close to you when you draw closer to Him. How do we draw closer to Him? Here are a couple of ways. First of all, this verse goes on to say that we must turn away from sin because sin separates us from God. Simply turning to God is the first way to draw closer to Him. Then the Bible tells us to come into His presence with thanksgiving in our hearts and give Him praise. When you have a thankful heart, you are drawing closer to Him. The Scripture tells us that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. When you have a humble heart before Him, you are drawing closer to Him. When you seek Him with your whole heart, you will find Him. He will draw close to you.
Seek God today by reading your Bible, praying, meditating on His promises and worshiping Him. With an open heart, you can draw near to God just as you are, right where you are, and He will fill You with His peace and goodness all the days of your life!

When Things Look Hopeless

"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior."
(Habakkuk 3:17-18, NIV)
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The prophet Habakkuk knew what to do when things seemed completely hopeless. When he wrote this verse, his world was literally falling apart. He had nothing. Things seemed destitute. So what did Habakkuk do? He rejoiced and praised the Lord in spite of everything. He knew that God was bigger than His problems, and He already had a way to get Him out of those circumstances. Habakkuk was looking beyond His problems to what God could do in His life!
Let's follow Habakkuk's example. When something bad happens to you, thank God — not because you're suffering, but because you know He has the answer. When things look hopeless, praise Him because He will bring hope to your circumstances!

Fix Your Eyes

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…"
(Hebrews 12:2, NIV 1984)
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Are your eyes fixed on Jesus today? It’s so easy to let the distractions of the world and the cares of everyday life change your focus. Whatever you fix your eyes on, you open your spirit to. You can choose to fix your eyes on Jesus no matter what distractions of life are going on around you. You see, when you fix your eyes on Jesus, you are opening yourself to the Healer. You are opening yourself to the Deliverer. You are opening yourself to the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Provider, the Redeemer, the Strong Tower of refuge. What do you need in your life today? Peace? Fix your eyes on Jesus. Do you need healing? Fix your eyes on Jesus. Do you need a safe retreat? Fix your eyes on Jesus. Now you may have to turn off other things that you’ve been watching so that you can fix your eyes on Him. But remember, He is your source of life and the Author and Perfecter of your faith. Fix your eyes on Him and allow Him to work in your life so that you can experience the victory He has in store for you!