Completely Satisfied

God longs to pour out His favor and blessing on every area of your life. He wants you to live completely satisfied. But so many people have a misconception about what will satisfy them. Scripture tells us that when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, then we will live in complete satisfaction.
You direct your hunger by choosing what you focus on. For example, if you focus on your favorite food, if you start thinking about it early in the morning and all throughout the day, chances are that by the end of the day, you’ll be eating it! What you give your attention to, you will desire. In the same way, the more you give your attention to God and His Word, the more you will hunger for Him; and when you hunger for Him, you will be satisfied!
The world offers so many things for you to give your attention to, but they aren’t things that will satisfy. You might think you want a particular car, or certain clothes, or live in a particular neighborhood. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but understand that “things” won’t ever satisfy you. Recognize that only God will completely satisfy you, so hunger and thirst for Him!


Preferential Treatment
“His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life…”
(Psalm 30:5, NKJV)
Most of the time, we think, “Oh, God’s got bigger things to deal with than me. He’s not interested in what’s bothering me.” No, you are God’s biggest deal. He wants to make you an example of His goodness. When you keep God first place, when you honor Him with your life, God puts something on you that causes you to stand out from the crowd; something that gives you an advantage. It causes good breaks and opportunities to be attracted to you. It’s called the favor of God!
The word “favor” means “to assist, to provide with advantages, to receive preferential treatment.” The favor of God will cause you to be promoted even though you weren’t the most qualified. God’s favor will cause your children to get the best teachers in school. It will help you find the best deals at the mall. It will put you at the right place at the right time. God is saying to you what He said to Abraham, “I’m going to assist you. I’m going to provide you with advantages. I’m going to cause you to receive preferential treatment.” Believe it and receive it for today and all the days of your life!

A Good and Spacious Land.

A Good and
Spacious Land
“So I have come down to rescue them...and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land...”
(Exodus 3:8, NIV)
Notice in today’s verse that God did not say He would bring His people into a small land; a little place, tight or crowded. No, receive this into your spirit: Just as God brought the children of Israel into a good and spacious land, so He will do the same for you! He wants to take you to the land of “more than enough,” a land of plenty of room flowing with increase, good breaks and opportunity. He wants you to live in a land where you not only have enough for yourself, but you’re so blessed that you can be a blessing to other people.
If you’re not in a good and spacious place today, the challenge is: don’t settle where you are. This is not your permanent address! It’s only temporary. Keep standing, keep believing, keep pressing forward and walk into the good and spacious land God has in store for you!

You Won’t Get Stuck!

You Won’t Get Stuck!
“It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”
(Isaiah 10:27, NKJV)
I read something interesting about a spider. We’ve all seen how a spider spins a web in order to catch an insect. That web is filled with a sticky substance so that when an insect comes in contact with it, it not only gets tangled in the web, but it actually gets stuck. Have you ever thought about how the spider that’s spinning the web can walk across it and not get stuck? It seems like he would get trapped in his own web. But God made the spider so that its body releases a special oil that flows down to its legs. That way, it can just slide across the web. You could say the spider doesn’t get stuck because of the anointing that’s on its life!
In the same way, God has put an anointing on your life. It’s like oil that causes things not to stick. When you walk in His anointing, the things that should bring you down won’t be able to. Bitterness won’t be able to stick to you. Envy and strife will slide right off of you. The traps of the enemy won’t even faze you! You are protected, and you won’t get stuck because you are covered in Him!

Don’t Be Intimidated

Don’t Be Intimidated
“Don’t be intimidated in any way by your enemies...”
(Philippians 1:28, NLT)
With God on your side, there is no reason to be intimidated by your enemies. You don’t have to be intimidated by cancer. It’s no match for your God. Sickness cannot keep you from your destiny. God has you in the palm of His hand. Nothing can snatch you away. If it’s not your time to go, you’re not going to go. Don’t be intimidated by that financial problem. Don’t be intimidated by what somebody said about you. There is an anointing on your life that seals you, protects you, enables you and empowers you. God has infused you with strength. The Scripture says that you can do all things through Christ.
Today, go out with confidence. Go out with boldness knowing that if God is for you, it doesn’t even matter who is against you! No foe can stand against the power of Almighty God. You are empowered and equipped for victory, so don’t be intimidated!

Make the First Move

Make the First Move
“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
(Colossians 3:12, NLT)
Too often, when something doesn’t go the way we expect, we make the mistake of telling ourselves, “It’s not fair. It’s not right. When that changes, when it improves, then I’ll have a better attitude.” No, you’ve got to make the first move. You do your part and God will do His part. Quit worrying about God changing another person, and allow God to change you first.
Is there something you’re letting overwhelm you? Maybe you think it’s too much. Why don’t you get up every morning and make this simple declaration, “God, I want to thank You that I can handle anything that comes my way today. I can handle a difficult boss. I can handle getting stuck in traffic. I can handle my plans not working out. Lord, thank You that I’ll have a good attitude wherever I am.”
Decide ahead of time that you are going to stay in an attitude of faith and expectancy. Choose to clothe yourself with mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Choose God’s ways and let Him order your steps all the days of your life.

Look Again

Look Again
“ ‘Go and look toward the sea,’ he told his servant. And he went up and looked. ‘There is nothing there,’ he said. Seven times Elijah said, ‘Go back.’ The seventh time the servant reported, ‘A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea...’ ”
(1 Kings 18:43–44, NIV)
The Bible says that after the prophet Elijah prayed and asked God to end the drought, he said to the people, “I can hear the sound of an abundance of rain.”
He was saying in effect, “There is a yes from God in our future!”
Elijah told his assistant to go look on the other side of the mountain to see if there was any sign of rain. When the assistant came back, he said, “No, Elijah. There’s not a cloud in the sky. It’s perfectly clear.” Elijah didn’t get discouraged and think, “What are we going to do now? I might as well quit this prophet business.” No, he simply said, “Go back and look again.”
This happened six different times, but Elijah kept saying, “Go look again.” On the seventh time, the servant came back and said, “Elijah, I saw a small cloud in the sky. It isn’t much, just the size of a man’s hand.” Elijah’s answer was basically, “You’d better get your umbrella. Rain is coming!”
Friend, like Elijah, maybe you are believing for something, and you aren’t seeing anything happen. Don’t give up, go look again! If God has promised it, He will do it. It won’t be long until you see His showers of blessing pouring down on every area of your life!